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Annual Compliance Support 
annual compliance
Limited Company Accounts and Tax Returns
Self Employed 
Accounts and
Tax Returns
Tax Returns

A complete Accounts and Tax Return service for directors of limited companies.


This includes the preparation and filing of your key annual documents such as your Annual Statutory Accounts, your Company Tax Return and your Company Annual Return.


Annual Statutory Accounts are prepared in accordance with current company legislation and with current UK accounting principles.


Profit in the accounts is then adjusted so that it includes only those costs that are deemed "allowable" for tax purposes - i.e. allowed to be deducted in arriving at your taxable profit. I work closely with you to understand your transactions so that all allowances that can be claimed are claimed. 


Your company's corporation tax liability is computed and included in your Company Tax Return.


Your Company Annual Return is a simple document which, along with your statutory accounts, is available for public viewing at Companies House. It contains details of directors and their shareholdings, the company's registered office, type of trading activity and so on. 


Upon completion of your Statutory Accounts and Company Tax Return, I offer a detailed discussion and review of business performance -  face to face if convenient for you - so that we can discuss potential opportunuties for you to improve your company's profits.

A complete Accounts and Tax Return service for self employed individuals who trade as either sole traders or as part of a partnership.


This includes the preparation of your Annual Accounts and the preparation and filing of your Personal Tax Return with HMRC.


Your accounts are prepared in accordance with current UK accounting principles. The profit figure in your accounts is then adjusted to arrive at your taxable profit.


I work closely with you to understand the nature of your transactions so that all available allowances can be claimed to minimise your tax liability.


Your personal tax return is then prepared, including any other sources of income, utilising all available allowances and reliefs.


I aim to ensure that you fully understand your business's accounts and tax return before gaining your approval and filing with HMRC. If convenient for you I like to meet face to face to do this. Clients tend to find that  this is an extremely valuable meeting and chance to discuss wider issues concerning their business affairs. The meeting also includes a review of business performance in order to highlight business improvement opportunities.

If you are a company director I can prepare and file your personal tax return in addition to your company tax return.


If you are a sole trader or trade through a partnership your personal tax return forms an integral part of your "Accounts and Tax Returns" service, as it includes your business accounts together with your other sources of income.


Your personal tax return is prepared and filed with HMRC, ensuring all available allowances and reliefs are claimed, in accordance with the latest tax legislation, to minimise your tax liability.


This service includes advice for owner directors on remuneration strategy, such as the appropriate mix of salary and dividends.  The taxation of dividends was overhauled in April 2016 and, whilst they remain a relatively attractive method of extracting income from your company, it is important for company directors to understand the impact on their personal tax liabilities. I can provide such advice in  a clear and simple way.


Throughout the year I can also keep you updated on any other changes to tax legislation, HMRC future plans, or administrative matters that may affect your business or personal tax affairs.



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